Author Topic: Another "Not Been Well" Thread  (Read 456 times)

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Offline MadisonMotorsportUK

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Another "Not Been Well" Thread
« on: June 25, 2024, 10:11:26 AM »
Not been around much recently.

Woke up Sunday morning on the 9th with my left arm like a dead weight. Assumed I'd slept on it and it would be OK. By lunchtime, it wasn't back to normal so I asked mum to drop me to the hospital after some online research that scared me crumpetless (I put that bakery item in, didn't know if the filter would pick it up).

Turns out I'd had a minor stroke overnight. I'd been to see my witch doctor on Saturday afternoon for a deep tissue massage which they reckon triggered it. There's a tear in the main artery leading to the brain in my neck. This had allowed a clot to form and, luckily as it turns out, the massage had broken this clot up. It was a ticking timebomb according to the specialist and is likely due to stress (the main reason I left my previous job in March so I blame them). I have been extremely lucky and I am recovering quite well. I've been going stir crazy for the last two weeks and I've another two weeks minimum off work. I have full motor function again but my muscles are getting tired so quickly at the moment. I've managed to do some light gardening (more like deforestation) in the past few days but it's wearing me out.

Worst thing is I'm not allowed to drive/ride until I've had another MRI and been given the all clear  :bang: Perfect weather for it too  :bang: Oh well, plenty of opportunity for cleaning them.
Madison Motorsport UK

Offline Asmith61

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Re: Another "Not Been Well" Thread
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2024, 08:39:05 PM »
So sorry to hear this mate. Blimey it does sound like you were lucky 😱
All the very best for a full recovery and hope you are back to work soon and riding again 👍