I need to vent so im gonna do it here.
My boss gave me FLU... ME A diabetic with a slightly damaged ticker. And quite frankly thats rude.
I have not had a cold or COVID or flu or anything but a bit of a tummy bug in a very long time. I just seem to be lucky
But that luck ran out at the weekend.. Going to bed i had a bit of a tickle in the back of my throat... By morning I was in full blown aches and shivers. Day 2 had me with even more shivers and a nice fever of 102
All snotty and my throat has been killing me ever since. Im hot and cold at the same time. On the way to work today it was about 6c.. I had my jacket open a bit at the top to let the cold air in as I was STEWING IN MY OWN FLU JUICE.
It's now coming into day 5 . I have not slept much at all over the past 4 nights thanks to my sore throat. As long as I don't swallow its all good but as I drift off my brain thinks, hey we need to swallow... I get shocked awake buy the fiery pain of a thousand suns in my throat.
Pharmacy is 99% sure its actually tonsillitis and no amount of drugs and sprays has helped it all that much sadly. I NEED some damn sleep.
And all this in the middle of doing 8 shifts in a row at work covering holidays.. So unless I want to ruin my colleague's birthday I best keep at it.
Only 2 more shifts then ive got 3 days off.
I have just been stuffing some ice cream into my face as that seems to help.. only while im eating it mind but ill take 5 mins relief vs non at all!
Ok I feel slightly better now
Thanks for reading my incoherent fever ridden ramblings of a sleep deprived man flu sufferer.
Good night